Monday, January 18, 2021

Stichting Afrika Zending

Stichting Afrika Zending is per 31 december 2020 opgeheven. De stichting was 20 jaar eerder opgericht om de bediening van Erwin van der Meer in Afrika te steunen. Deze bediening is niet geheel gestopt maar gaat door op een parttime basis. Erwin blijft zich met name inzetten om de heksenkinderen problematiek in Afrika aan de kaak te stellen maar daar was het in stand houden van Stichting Afrika Zending niet voor nodig.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Kenya outreach in August 2015

Please pray for the 6 evangelistic outreaches planned in Kenya in August. Dr. Erwin van der Meer and his fiancee and translator Nicole will be holding meetings in Kisii and Nairobi. It is our hope and desire that people may come to know Christ and put their trust in Him for salvation and empowerment for inner healing and transformation through the Holy Spirit.

Monday, June 1, 2015


In spite of the effects of the economic crisis we have by Gods grace managed to reach out to many in Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya. We thank God for the faithfulness of our missionaries and for the harvest of souls.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Malawi outreach

We thank God that Dr. Erwin van der Meer and pastor Peter Edelenbosch were able to visit Malawi for three weeks in February and March. They conducted leadership seminars within the Evangelical Church of Malawi and Providence Industrial Mission. They also preached at various churches and visited some of the projects pioneered by Dr. Erwin van der Meer while he lived in Malawi. It was a wonderful time of ministry and meeting with old friends. Most importantly we saw many people turn to Christ and other rededicate themselves to following the way of Christ.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Greetings to you all

The beginning of the year has been very challenging for us here in Malawi. We were struck with very heavy rains and we have experienced heavy flooding to a large part of the country. This has left the so many people homeless and so many still living in half fallen homes with their families. There has been an answer to the request for Malawi to get aid from outside the country but the level of devastation is overwhelming. The amount of people who have been affected is more than the aid we are receiving is capable of helping.
We are trying to help as many villages and families that we can with the resources that we have at our disposals. We have joined hands with friends of ours and put our heads together to try and bring aid and relief to the villages near Blantyre that have been affected but have not yet received any help. We ask you to help us in our efforts and make these poor affected people’s lives a bit more bearable.

We are handing out Blankets, baby porridge, maize meal, plastic sheet (for those whose houses have half fallen so they can cover the fallen side), soy pieces. We would love to continue our efforts but we need more money to make this possible. Please help us to help our fellow brothers and sisters in their time of need.

God Bless you all.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Persecuted believers

Today, we stand with all those who because to seek to obey and follow Christ are suffering persecution. some are ridiculed, others are refused unemployment, some are mistreated or lose their jobs because of standing for what is right in Gods eyes. Remember also to pray for God's grace and strength on all the Christians around the world who are in prison for Christ. Intercede for all those who are suffering torture, deprivation, and hostility for Jesus. Ask the Lord to provide for the widows and children of Pastors who have been maimed for life or have been martyred. Pray for healing for those men and women who suffered severe physical and emotional humiliation as their bodies and souls were degraded. Pray for the victims as well as those who are traumatised as a result of witnessing what happened to their loved ones at the hands of their persecutors. Pray especially for the children. Pray for courage and strength for all those who have suffered so they may be able to forgive the perpetrators and let go so that no bitterness may delay their own inner healing and that they may not become contaminated by the hatred and evil that infected their persecutors.  Cry out to God for mercy for His people and also ask Him how you may help! Hebrews 13:3 “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Free college education

Alison college in Ireland offers free college education by means of online distance learning. We strongly recommend anyone anywhere to make use of their services in order to develop one's professional knowledge. Even if you are serving in full-time Christian ministry you can benefit from studying psychology, social work, project management, healthcare and so on. All courses are completely free. However if you do eventually want the diploma certificate to be printed and send to you then you pay about 120$. For more information see:

Most courses are equivalent to UK QCF 3 (FETAC 5)